Fresh Start

Our Mission

Our Mission

To facilitate a future free from the effects of addiction and substance use disorders for individuals, families and communities.


A life of drugs, lived in the fast lane, lived day to day blocking out reality, especially from my family, my daughter, and never thought for a second to deal with my emotions or to build foundations for a future. In and out of prison for just over half my life since the age of 21. A vicious cycle of self-destruct mode, never contemplating change or changing my lifestyle until now.

I reached out to Fresh Start and was accepted, something that had never happened before. I became focussed and motivated and ready to look forward to a brighter future.

I had a rocky start, which almost lead me back to prison. I took note of what I was doing wrong and reached out for support to talk about my problem with the support and case workers which gave me the chance to grow and progress through understanding myself better.

Now a leader at Fresh Start, I am driven and so grateful for Fresh Start and their support.

I am now transitioning into the work stage which I am excited about and the possibilities of setting up my life and achieving my future goals motivates me. Some of my goals for the future are to reconnect with my daughter, work FIFO and own a home and some property.

For the first time in my life, I feel as though I have worked on coping mechanisms, built healthy relationships and a strong foundation to not go back down that old path but stay focussed and on track to this positive path that I am on to keep achieving my short term and long term goals, and take control of the future I deserve.


“I will never forget your kindness and helpful demeanour during the many times I sat in the waiting room throughout our journey.. Drug addiction is such a lonely journey for the family/carers so to have someone like you at the front counter was a much needed and appreciated support so from the bottom of my heart…Thank you :)”


I’m originally from a small town in the Wheatbelt, Wyalkatchem, and have called Northam home for the last 12 years. As someone that has had the opportunity to travel the State in my role I know how very lucky we are to have Fresh Start in our community. I know, when it was first proposed there was great concern. The community attended meetings in the Town Hall and expressed their anxiety about having the program located in the town. But as Fresh Start began, and became embedded in our community, those with concerns have learned and appreciated the value of having the facility and most importantly, these men on their recovery journey. We all know that addiction can impact anyone. It doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care how much money you have, where you were educated, where you live, what you do for a living, what colour your skin is or how old you are. What I’ve learned by having Fresh Start as part of my community is how recovery works, what is possible and why we all need to support and champion these programs. It is never too late to ask for help. It is never too late to make a commitment to yourself, your family and loved ones, to live a full and fulfilling life free from addiction. I applaud those men who have found the courage to bring an end to their own suffering and pain through hard work and discipline. Your families and those that love you offer that love unconditionally, but what a joy to be able to share not only the special moments we all love – birthdays, Christmas, holidays – but also the everyday moments.

Fresh Start Team, Infuse Cafe, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church and Sam Lim MP at community meet and greet in support of Infuse Cafe's fundraiser for Fresh Start.